Drive- Your entry into the Protection field

Where to start your entry into Protection: Drive

I just completed a week-long,  24- hour surveillance detail. And I  just woke up after my first full night sleep in 5 days. I do not work these often anymore, but was called on very short notice to fill-in. I enjoy different aspects of Protection/EP Services, and it's a great opportunity to sharpen, and hone those perishable skills. Of course it's by no means glamorous work, (quite the contrary). However, surveillance is an important skill and facet of the security world, and the guys that have perfected it are awesome at it.

One reason I choose to do work like this (that's frankly out of my wheel-house), is that details like this are a great opportunity to meet new guys in the industry and expand my own network. A detail like this might put you in contact with all types of guys and gals, from the beginners (who think they know it all) to the seasoned professionals (who do pretty much know it all). Being in my mid-forties and kind of in the middle, I learn things from the new guys/gals and from the older seasoned narcotics LE guys. It can be fun! And keeps me on my toes in terms of my own skills.

Inevitably, when you are sitting 6 to 12 hours straight with your surveillance or SD partners, you have ample opportunity to talk. Since I'm typically the 'EP' guy in details like this, I often get asked, "how do I get into the EP world, and how can I work for the 'good clients'?"

As most of us know , to fully answer that question, a lot depends on the skills and experience of the person who is asking.  You will see me touch on this later in some mentoring blogs.

But, if you haven't invested in your own training and growth as a security professional, don't bother asking how to work for the 'good clients'. You won't even get in the front door. More to come on that later.

However, assuming you are willing to put in the work, and understand the importance of maintaining and improving your skills, then yes...there are a number of things you can do to get a foot in those doors.

One specific skill-set that can 'make or break' you in high-end protection work, may peripherally seem like the most basic.  Driving.

Sounds simple, right?

It's not.

What's one thing you will absolutely end up doing if you choose this line of work?

Driving a car for a client.

We all ride in cars as some point. This goes for the Millionaires and Billionaires or any client that requires  support while traveling. 'Driving the Client' is the quintessential essence of our work. Of course there are many other very important things, but focusing on the skills and qualifications to drive clients is foundational, and critical. If I were new to the profession or even if I thought I was a seasoned professional that just wanted more work, this is where I would focus my attention.

Driving is where most of us began, including myself. It is one of the most over-looked skills in the executive protection world. Master it through training and experience and you will be a busy person. I can't count how many EP professionals that I've worked with who think they are awesome drivers. That is, until they get raked over the coals by their client for their 'jerky, scary, irratic' driving. The way you drive on your own time, is not the way you drive a principal. And it takes experience and training to fully appreciate the difference. I've seen great guys lose their jobs because they couldn't figure out how to give their clients a smooth and consistent ride and adapt to the way "the client wants it".  Don't let that be you.

If you want to succeed in this industry, you have to be an excellent driver.

You must employ security and safety protocols, while at the same time balancing the fact that you are driving a human being around, who has preferences, fears, and an interest in having their time spent in a vehicle be a 'uneventful' as possible.

I'll delve into some of the best ways to be a successful "Security Driver" at a later time. But if you want to focus on one thing that will make you more employable, and more likely to remain in good stead with your principal...focus on your driving!

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