OPStructure News and Resources

The Geo-culture of Executive Protection

Let's talk about geography and culture!

I've had the pleasure of working both coasts in this fine country, and in most states in between. And I can't count how many times I've thought to myself, "wow, this is so different than ___ (enter previous location or gig)." Meaning, the different cultures in principals, EP operators and therefore work cultures varies dramatically depending on where you happened to be located (and who you happen to be employed with).

Some of these differences are indeed generational, as the norms and expectations of this field have evolved at a breakneck pace. This can be attributed to an increasingly global business environment, where our principals and their work likely spans multiple nations, time zones and cultures.

It can also be attributed to the rise of a new type of wealth, one where the CEO is more likely to be in a hoodie and sneakers, as he is a suit and a tie. And for those of you who are working for these younger CEO's and Silicon Valley-style...

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