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The forgotten 'fitness' formula

Many of the 'life lessons' that I've learned, I learned in Marine Corp Boot Camp.   One of the most valuable lessons that always stuck in my mind came from the beloved (ha, ha)  Drill Instructors. They would yell at us, " you guys are dumb as a sack of rocks, so you need to be that much more fit and strong to make up for it". 

In hindsight, I believe the message behind that statement really boils down to, 'We can't control how smart you are, but we can insure you'll be physically and mentally ready to fight, body mind and soul'.   (At least, I tell myself that's what they meant!)

Which brings me to my topic.  Fitness!  This is a broad term and can mean many things to many people.  As in mentally, psychologically or physically.  It's the physical aspect I want to focus on, but that arguably contributes and frames our mental and psychological fitness as well.

Clearly there are certain professions  where being physically in-shape is...

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