OPStructure News and Resources

The Dreaded Resumé Shuffle

Applying for jobs?  Get seen, and make it count when you do.....

On one of my previous blogs I shared about the inner-workings of Corporate Recruiting, and how candidates can "get noticed".  And getting noticed is definitely the first step.

However, once they notice you, make sure that you have a resumé that is memorable in the good way, NOT the wrong way.

As you know if you've read my blogs, one of my previous roles was as a security/protection hiring manager for a billion dollar company.  I've literally reviewed hundreds of resumés, and frankly, a lot of them were terrible. Which is a shame because the people they represented could have been awesome. But the document they sent in to convince me to hire them did not do them justice. And at that stage in the process (faced with a stack of resumes to review), that's all I had to go on.

Ironically, many of the resumés that landed on my desk or in my email box were referrals from people I know and...

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