OPStructure News and Resources

Smells Like Team Spirit

In assembling a successful EP team, there are a number of critical elements that are typically neglected through both the recruiting, and on-boarding process. When faced with critical vacancies, there is often pressure is to fill the role quickly, and oftentimes there is little time spent on overall ‘fit’ within your current team and organizational culture. The importance of viewing your detail as an actual ‘team’, rather than as individual component parts is a strategic perspective that cannot be over-looked.

While everyone wants star players, the importance and impact of a team concept is huge. For those of us with backgrounds in law enforcement, the military, or team sports, we are likely indoctrinated in the adage, ‘there is no I, in TEAM’. We are well-versed in the notion that we function better as a team, and that no man is an ‘island.

However, once we being working professionally in the EP world, we encounter a professional...

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